reg_pravo_slugb_tvir-eng 2018-08-17T11:42:18+00:00



To get copyright for a work created within the scope of official duties

Registration Terms

2 months


A full package of necessary documents is submitted to the State Intellectual Property Service and a state fee is paid for preparing for the registration of copyright. At the end of the month, a fee is paid for registration and certificate receipt, and the author receives a certificate of copyright registration.

Needs to be provided from an applicant

The author of the office work must provide the following information:
– an instance of the work (in material form)
– an appropriately certified copy of the employment contract with the employee, and/or job description.
– act of the work performed with respect to the creation of the work, provided that this act is an integral part of the civil law contract, and, if available, an composition order of the workers who participated in the creation of this work.
– a document that indicates the fact and date of the work publication (if available)
-Power of attorney for a patent attorney (it is not necessary to notarize).

Service order form